【书籍推荐】中国人写英文文章最常范的错误总结 (Felicia Brittman)


Embark on a journey of linguistic enlightenment with Felicia Brittman’s insightful book, ‘The Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers written by Graduate Chinese Engineering Students.’ This comprehensive guide is a treasure trove for anyone aiming to refine their technical English writing skills, particularly those in the engineering field. Brittman has meticulously analyzed over two hundred papers penned by Chinese graduate students, identifying the most prevalent Chinese-English habits that can hinder clear communication.

What sets this book apart is its practical approach. Brittman not only identifies the habits but also provides clear explanations and, in many cases, examples from actual papers. This hands-on method allows readers to understand not just what not to do, but why these habits are detrimental to their writing. Additionally, the book offers a plethora of solutions to correct and prevent these mistakes, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their technical English proficiency.

One of the book’s standout features is its focus on the challenges faced by Chinese students in the technical writing realm. With the increasing requirement for international publication as part of academic degrees, this book serves as an indispensable guide for students and professionals alike. It addresses the unique challenges of writing in a second language, such as the lack of native English exposure and the specialized nature of technical writing, which even native speakers often find challenging.

For those who might rely on native English-speaking editors, this book is a game-changer. It reveals that even with a professional editor, technical errors and misunderstandings can still persist, especially if the editor lacks a technical background. Brittman’s book not only helps identify these errors but also teaches readers how to avoid them in the future, making it an effective self-editing tool.

What’s more, ‘The Most Common Habits’ is not just for students; it’s also a valuable resource for professors, researchers, and anyone involved in the publication process. It offers a clear understanding of the common pitfalls in technical writing, which can help improve the overall quality of publications.

In summary, ‘The Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers written by Graduate Chinese Engineering Students’ is an essential read for anyone involved in technical English writing. It is a guide that not only teaches you what to avoid but also how to master the art of clear and effective technical communication. Whether you’re a student looking to publish in international journals or a professional aiming to refine your writing skills, this book is a must-have on your shelf.